Whistleblower reporting system
HygCen Germany GmbH is obliged to protect natural persons who have obtained information about violations within the meaning of § 2 HinSchG (“Whistleblower Protection Act”) in connection with their professional activity or in advance of a professional activity (so-called “informant persons”) to offer them an internal reporting point so that they can disclose the violation that has become known to them.
You can use the form below to inform the internal reporting office of HygCen Germany GmbH about any violations in accordance with the HinSchG that you have become aware of. You can find a catalog of the violations that can be reported under the HinSchG here.
When making your report, you can rely on the fact that the internal reporting office of HygCen Germany GmbH respects the confidentiality requirement of § 8 HinSchG and protects the identity of the following people:
- the reporting person, provided that the reported information relates to violations that fall within the scope of application of the HinSchG, or the reporting person had sufficient reason to believe that this was the case at the time of reporting,
- the persons who are the subject of a report, and
- the other persons named in the report.
You can also trust that HygCen Germany GmbH will adhere to § 36 of the HinSchG, which prohibits reprisals against those who provide information, as well as the threat and attempt to exercise reprisals.
In order to be able to discuss the matter with you if necessary, we would be grateful if you provided your name.